Through March 1, 2025, Generations will follow the Souderton Area School District (SASD) for WEATHER-related building closures (FID/Flexible Instruction Days) & delays.  Check or

If SASD is closed or has a FID (Flexible Instruction Day), Generations will also be closed.  If SASD has a two hour delay, Generations opens at 11:00am.  If SASD has an early dismissal, Generations closes at 2:00pm.  

Effective March 1, 2025, Generations will no longer follow Souderton Area School District for weather related closures and delays.  In case of inclement weather, visit our website or call 215-723-5841 to see/hear if Generations or Meals on Wheels has a schedule change due to inclement weather.  




Mon-Fri, 9:30am-3:30pm - Join in a game of pool at one of our two well-maintained tables. All welcome for daily play. Registration required for tournament play. Donation is $1.00 per day.

Bingo – Day

2nd & 4th Tuesday, 1:00pm
Begin purchasing your bingo cards at 12:30pm for $1.00 each.  We play 20 games and have a 50/50 raffle at the break.  No refreshments served at the break (for now).  Be sure to check our current newsletter here for possible schedule announcements. 


Bowling is no longer offered regularly.  If you would like to be on a list of people to receive a phone call for playing 1-2 games at Earl Bowl, please call our front desk: 215-723-5841.  A group member will contact you when they’re planning to bowl.

Bridge – Duplicate

Monday, 12:30 - 3:30pm - This session features a serious approach to the game and requires a partner.  Registration begins at 12:15.  Donation: $1.00.  Coffee available after games.

Hand & Foot 

1st & 3rd, 5th Wednesdays, 10am-1:15pm - Learn this card game that’s similar to Canasta.
1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesdays, 9:30am-1:15pm changed day effective dec. 7

Mah Jong

Fridays, 12:30pm - Join a fun group for this wonderful old Chinese tile game! Beginners welcome; meet by the fireplace.


Wed., 9:00am - Meet this casual group in the warmer months (May-October) in Dan Roth Park at 312 Maple Ave. in Harleysville (near Encore Experiences), weather permitting. Park on Wile Ave. near the pool.


Thursdays, 12:45pm - Straight bid, no partner required. Refreshments served. Donation is $1.50.  Play begins at 12:45pm.  Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to pay for your game.