Our noon meal will be served back at Generations beginning Wednesday, October 16.  Many thanks to Zwingli UCC for allowing us to use their buildilng to serve meals for the past few weeks.  Please see updates for the week of October 16th here.

Donor Recognition

Generations of Indian Valley values each and every supporter as a critical part of our organization and mission. We are eager to keep you informed of the impact of your investment through our blog posts, monthly newsletters, website, social media channels, and annual report. Every donor also receives a letter acknowledging his or her gift by mail or email, depending on their indicated preference.

We list our supporters in our annual report. All donations are important contributions to our work, but due to space limitations we are only able to list donors giving $100 or more in the calendar year. If you wish for your gift to remain anonymous, please indicate that when you make your gift.

Become a Generations One-Ask Sponsor

Generations of Indian Valley recognizes three special groups of donors who have committed to ensuring that we have the resources needed to combat senior hunger, create opportunity, and build a stronger community. We recognize this commitment with exclusive benefits:

Title Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

For additional sponsorship opportunities, feel free to contact us!