Our noon meal will be served back at Generations beginning Wednesday, October 16.  Many thanks to Zwingli UCC for allowing us to use their buildilng to serve meals for the past few weeks.  Please see updates for the week of October 16th here.

Stock Gifts

Generations of Indian Valley welcomes your gift of appreciated securities as an investment in our work to combat senior hunger and improve lives. 

Making a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds is simple and easy, and you receive a two-part benefit of receiving an immediate tax deduction and avoiding capital gains tax. The amount of your gift will be determined by the value on the day it is transferred into Generations’ account.

To make a gift of stock, please contact us and we will provide you with the necessary information to arrange for a transfer of stocks into Generations’ brokerage account. Please contact Lisa Furbacher at lfurbacher@generationsofiv.org or 215-723-5841.

Did you know you can include Generations of Indian Valley in your estate plans? You can make a bequest through your will, or designate GIV as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plan. See the Planned Giving page for more information.