B.J. Putnam, DAc, will offer weekly GROUP ACUPUNCTURE sessions for PAIN RELIEF on WEDNESDAYS AT 1:00pm.
Group acupuncture allows people to reduce the expense of acupuncture while gaining support of others experiencing similar challenges. Participants will all be treated for pain while seated. Points on their arms, legs, and head are stimulated, thus eliminating the need for undressing. Our goal is to reduce the severity of pain, increase mobility, and manage stress that occurs with chronic pain. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all six weeks to obtain the most beneficial outcome.
Fee: $20 per session. A generous portion of this fee will be donated to Generations. All fees payable by credit, cash or check to Generations. Registration is required and closes two days before each session. To register, visit our front desk or call 215-723-5841.